• Faculty
    HUANG? MutaoHUANG? Mutao Professor HUST Research Field and Teaching Course£º wind energy E-mail£ºhmt1973@sina.com

    HUANG ShenghuaHUANG Shenghua Professor, Ph.D supervisor HUST? Research Field and Teaching Course£º wind energy E-mail£ºhuangsh@163.com

    HUANG JianHUANG Jian Research Field and Teaching Course£º Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems E-mail£ºhuang_jan@mail.hust.edu.cn

    GAO LiangGAO Liang Research Field and Teaching Course£º Intelligent Optimization Methods and Applications in Design and Manufacturing E-mail£ºgaoliang@mail.hust.edu.cn

    MA Fuying?MA Fuying? Research Field and Teaching Course£º Fungal Biology, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Biodegradation and Transformation of Biomass, Microbial Fat E-mail£ºmafuying@hust.edu.cn

    YAN Qiurong?YAN Qiurong? Research Field and Teaching Course£º Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering E-mail£ºyan_qiurong@sina.com

    CHEN LiangcaiCHEN Liangcai Associate Professor HUST? Research Field and Teaching Course£º wind energy E-mail£ºchligcai@hust.edu.cn

    CHEN HuanxinCHEN Huanxin Professor, Ph.D supervisor HUST? Research Field and Teaching Course£º wind energy E-mail£ºchenhuaxin@tsinghua.org.cn

    CHEN Hong?CHEN Hong? Research Field and Teaching Course£ºgreen building design, energy conservation design strategy, thermal environment of city and building E-mail£ºchhwh@hust.edu.cn

    CHEN GuohuaCHEN Guohua Research Field and Teaching Course£º Structure Analysis and Optimization Design of Internal Combustion Engine , Combustion,?Emission and Working Process of Internal Combustion Engine, Electronic Control Technology E-mail£ºchpengli@public.wh.hb.cn

    CHEN YongCHEN Yong Research Field and Teaching Course£º Water Quality Conversion Mechanism and Pollution Control Technology in Natural Water Body and Water Treatment Process E-mail£ºychen@mail.hust.edu.cn

    GUO XinGUO Xin Research Field and Teaching Course£º Solid state ionics E-mail£ºxguo@mail.hust.edu.cn

    SHAO Jingai?SHAO Jingai? Research Field and Teaching Course£º Efficient utilization of carbon-containing solid fuels such as coal and biomass, regulated pollutants, renewable energy technologies E-mail£ºjashao@hust.edu.cn

    XIE JunlongXIE Junlong Professor, Ph.D supervisor HUST, energy efficiency? Research Field and Teaching Course£º Wind Energy E-mail£ºhustxjl@163.com

    ?YUAN Xiaoming?YUAN Xiaoming Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST Research Field and Teaching Course£º Wind Energy E-mail£ºyuanxm@mail.hust.edu.cn

    JIANG Kai?JIANG Kai? Research Field and Teaching Course£º New energy storage battery E-mail£ºkjiang@hust.edu.cn

    MIAO Shihong?MIAO Shihong? Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºshmiao@mail.hust.edu.cn

    HU Shubing?HU Shubing? Research Field and Teaching Course£º Material surface engineering, Functional materials E-mail£ºhushubing@hust.edu.cn

    HU PingfangHU Pingfang Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Heating, ventilation and air conditioning Research Field and Teaching Course£º Geothermal, biomass E-mail£ºpingfanghu21@163.com

    LUO YiLUO Yi Associate Professor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course£º Wind energy E-mail£º

    LUO GuangqianLUO Guangqian Research Field and Teaching Course£ºThermochemical conversion of solid fuel, control of gaseous pollutants E-mail£ºguangqian.luo@mail.hust.edu.cn

    GAN Zhiyin?GAN Zhiyin? Research Field and Teaching Course£º Design and simulation of Micro-nano material and device, Design and manufacturing of semiconductor technology and equipment E-mail£ºganzhiyin@126.com

    GAN ZhiyinGAN Zhiyin Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST,Design and simulation of Micro?-nano material and device Research Field and Teaching Course£º High-power LED E-mail£ºganzhiyin@126.com

    WANG Xuefan?WANG Xuefan? Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST Research Field and Teaching Course£º Wind energy E-mail£ºxfwang@mail.hust.edu.cn

    WANG Xianhua?WANG Xianhua? Research Field and Teaching Course£º Biomass utilization technology; Fluidized bed combustion and pollution control E-mail£ºwangxianhua@hust.edu.cn

    WANG ShaorongWANG Shaorong Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Wind energy? Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£º

    WANG JunWANG Jun Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Fluid Mechanical? and Engineering Research Field and Teaching Course£ºWind energy E-mail£ºwangjhust@163.com

    MAO ChengxiongMAO Chengxiong Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºcxmao@mail.hust.edu.cn

    LIN XiangningLIN Xiangning Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºlinxiangning@hotmail.com

    YANG YangYANG Yang Research Field and Teaching Course?£º White rot fungi molecular biology and genetics that efficiently degrade lignin and heterologous biomass E-mail£ºyangyang@mail.hust.edu.cn

    YANG JianzhongYANG Jianzhong Associate Professor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£º

    YANG Zhoujun?YANG Zhoujun? Research Field and Teaching Course:Coal Structure and Combustion Gasification Theory E-mail£ºxiangjun@mail.hust.edu.cn

    YANG Kai?YANG Kai? Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºyk@mail.hust.edu.cn

    LI Din'gen?LI Din'gen? Research Field and Teaching Course£ºnew energy vehicles E-mail£ºlidinggen@sina.com

    LI HongbinLI Hongbin Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, ?energy efficiency Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºlihongbin@mail.hust.edu.cn

    LI Cheng?LI Cheng? Professor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºli_cheng@tom.com

    LI Xuemin?LI Xuemin? Associate Professor HUST,Fluid Mechanical and Engineering Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºxmli@mail.hust.edu.cn

    LI Yan?LI Yan? Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST,Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºliyan0569@sina.com

    LI Huafei?LI Huafei? Associate Professor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy:Wind energy E-mail£º

    LI Baofeng?LI Baofeng? Research Field and Teaching Course:Small and medium-sized museum architectural design research, educational architecture research E-mail£ºlibaofeng_1956@hust.edu.cn

    LI Liang?LI Liang? Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST,Pulse Power Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºliangli44@mail.hust.edu.cn

    ZHU Bihai ZHU Bihai Associate Professor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£º

    QU Ronghai? QU Ronghai? Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºronghaiqu@mail.hust.edu.cn

    YI ChuanyunYI Chuanyun Professor, Ph.D surpervisor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy? E-mail£ºcyyijfs@mail.hust.edu.cn

    XU YanXU Yan Associate Professor HUST, energy efficiency Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£º

    XU Tao?XU Tao? Research Field and Teaching Course£º Electromagnetic field and fusion plasma E-mail£ºxutao@mail.hust.edu.cn

    PENG TaoPENG Tao Associate Professor HUST, Strong magnetic field Research Field and Teaching Course:Strong magnetic field E-mail£ºpengtao@mail.hust.edu.cn

    CHANG LiCHANG Li Professor Research & Teaching field£ºWind Energy E-mail: changlihust@126.com Informational-link: http://hae.hust.edu.cn/Detail.aspx?id=14

    LOU SuhuaLOU Suhua Associate Professor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºshlou@mail.hust.edu.cn

    ZHOU LiangsongZHOU Liangsong Associate Professor HUST, Wind energy,energy efficiency Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºzhoulian@public.wh.hb.cn

    Zhou LibingZhou Libing Professor HUST, electrical machinery and drives Research Field and Teaching Course:Wind energy E-mail£ºzlb@mail.hust.edu.cn

    Zhou JianzhongZhou Jianzhong Professor HUST, Hydropower Engineering Research Field and Teaching Course: Wind energy E-mail£ºprof.zhou.hust@263.net

    WU YaowuWU Yaowu Professor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course: Wind energy E-mail£ºywwu@mail.hust.edu.cn

    SHI TielinSHI Tielin Professor Research & Teaching field£ºWind Energy E-mail: jxyjs@mail.hust.edu.cn

    LU XinpeiLU Xinpei Professor HUST, Energy Efficiency Research Field and Teaching Course: Wind energy ?E-mail£ºluxinpei@mail.hust.edu.cn

    SHAN BinSHAN Bin Professor,Doctoral Supervisor Research & Teaching field£º Solar Energy E-mail: bshan@mail.hust.edu.cn

    LIU HuiLIU Hui Research Field and Teaching Course: Lightweight Structures and Building Finding, New Energy Building E-mail£ºliuhui@mail.hust.edu.cn

    LIU ChangyuLIU Changyu Professor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course: Wind energy E-mail£º

    LIU WenzhongLIU Wenzhong Research Field and Teaching Course: Magnetic nanometer temperature imaging, nanosecond-level high-speed temperature measurement technology, weak signal detection, sensor electronics, scientific matrix calculation E-mail£ºlwz7410@hust.edu.cn

    LIU XiaohuLIU Xiaohu Research Field and Teaching Course: Green Buildings and Low Carbon Cities, Digital Buildings and Cities E-mail£ºliuxiaohu@hust.edu.cn

    LIU ShiyuanLIU Shiyuan Research Field and Teaching Course: Nano-optical measurement and instrumentation, lithography imaging theory and applications, micro-nano test technology and equipment E-mail£ºshyliu@mail.hust.edu.cn

    REN YongzhengREN Yongzheng Research Field and Teaching Course: ?Environmental Engineering E-mail£ºrenyz@163.com

    REN LiREN Li HUST, Energy efficiency Research Field and Teaching Course: Wind energy E-mail£º

    DING HongfaDing Hongfa Professor HUST, Wind energy Research Field and Teaching Course: Wind energy ?E-mail£ºdinghongfa@sina.com.cn

    Voutsinas SPYRIDONVoutsinas SPYRIDON ? Associate Professor Athens National Technical University,Wind energy technology Research Field and Teaching Course:Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelastic Mechanics,Wind Energy and Aviation of Wind Tunnel Testing, Wind Energy and Aerodynamics, and Aeroelasticity Mechanics Designed E-mail£ºspyros@fluid.mech.ntua.gr

    Vasilis RIZIOTISVasilis RIZIOTIS? lecturer National Technical University of Athens, Wind energy technology Research Field and Teaching Course: Wind energy, wind wheel aerodynamics, wind turbine aerodynamics E-mail£ºvasilis@fluid.mech.ntua.gr

    Takis CHAVIAROPOULOSTakis CHAVIAROPOULOS? Mechanical Engineer National Technical University of Athens, Wind energy technology Research Field and Teaching Course£º Wind energy E-mail£ºtchaviar@cres.gr

    Sergio USONSergio USON Associate Professor University of Zaragoza Research Field and Teaching Course£º Engine thermodynamics E-mail£ºsuson@unizar.es

    Sergio ESPATOLEROSergio ESPATOLERO PhD Energy Sources and Consumption Research Center Research Field and Teaching Course:Heat exchange; Steam; Steam mechanics E-mail£ºsespato@unizar.es

    Rodolfo Dufo-L¨®pezRodolfo Dufo-L¨®pez? Associate Professor University of Zaragoza Research Field and Teaching Course£ºPower Energy; Embedded Systems; Wind Energy and Energy Systems E-mail£ºrdufo@unizar.es

    Luis DIEZLuis DIEZ Researcher University of Zaragoza Research Field and Teaching Course£º Engine mechanics; Materials science E-mail£ºluisig@unizar.es

    Luciano De ProprisLuciano De Propris Researcher University of Rome? Research Field and Teaching Course£º Mechanical engine E-mail£ºdepropris.luciano@gmail.com

    Konstantinos RADOSKonstantinos RADOS ? Professor National Technical University of Athens, Wind energy technology Research Field and Teaching Course£º Numerical Methods and Engineering Tools in Pneumatic Analysis of Fans and Wind Farms, Wind Power Prediction, Mesoscale Modeling, Optimal Design for Maximizing Wind Farm Electricity Generation E-mail£ºkgrados@teikoz.gr

    Jos¨¦ A. Dom¨ªnguez-NavarroJos¨¦ A. Dom¨ªnguez-Navarro ? Professor University of Zaragoza Research Field and Teaching Course£ºRenewable energy system E-mail£ºjadona@unizar.es

    John PROSPATHOPOULOSJohn PROSPATHOPOULOS Mechanical Engineer National Technical University of Athens Research Field and Teaching Course£ºNoise and Aerodynamics, Numerical Simulation of Wind Energy Resources, Wind Turbine Wake Modeling; Wind Energy Technology E-mail£ºjprosp@fluid.mech.ntua.gr? ...

    Jean-Frederic CharpentierJean-Frederic Charpentier Associate Professor French Hydrology Institute,hydrome?chanics Research Field and Teaching Course£º Renewable energy; electromagnetic system E-mail£ºjean-frederic.charpentier@ecole-navale.fr

    Javier Uche-MarcuelloJavier Uche-Marcuello Professor University of Zaragoza Research Field and Teaching Course£º Reverse osmosis; Hydrology E-mail£ºjaviuche@unizar.es

    Ghanim PUTRUSGhanim PUTRUS Professor University of Northumbria Research Field £º Power Electronics Applications in Power Systems, Power Quality and Integration in Electric Vehicles, Distribution of Renewable Energy in Distribution Networks; Energy Conversion and Grid Connection Technology E-mail£ºghanim.putrus@northumbria.ac.uk

    George CARALISGeorge CARALIS Lecturer National Technical University of Athens Research Field £º New Energy, Wind Energy, Energy Planning, Energy Integration in Power Systems; Wind Energy Technology E-mail£ºgcaralis@mail.ntua.gr

    Francois CAUNEAUFrancois CAUNEAU Professor ?MINES ParisTech Research Field £º Renewable energy systems; Geographical industry E-mail£ºfrancois.cauneau@mines-paristeh.fr

    Edward BENTLEYEdward BENTLEY (Edward Bentley ) Research Associate Northumbria University Research & Teaching Field£ºElectrical Engineering; Analogue Electronics & Energy Conversion; Grid Control E-mail£ºedward.bentley@northumbria.ac.uk ...

    Dimtrios MATHIOULAKISDimtrios MATHIOULAKIS? Professor National Technical University of Athens Research Field£º Fluid technology based on experimental techniques, aerodynamics, bioengineering and gas-liquid flow in microchannels; wind energy technology E-mail£ºmathew@fluid.mech.ntua.gr

    Dimitris BOURISDimitris BOURIS Associate Professor National Technical University of Athens Research Field£º Hydrodynamics; heat exchange E-mail£ºdbouris@fluid.mech.ntua.gr

    David GAODavid GAO Lecturer University of Northumbria Research Field£ºModeling, condition monitoring, tolerance design, intelligent optimization based on data and their application in mechatronic systems, electricity, sustainable energy systems and biomedical applications; energy conversion and grid-connected technologies ? E-mail£ºzhiwei.gao@northumbria.ac.uk

    Daniele PULCINIDaniele PULCINI Associate Professor University of Rome -Sustainable Development Center Research Field£ºLocalization applications of renewable energy, energy economy and policy E-mail£ºdaniele.pulcini@uniroma1.it

    Bruno D'AlessandroBruno D'Alessandro Researcher Simard Logistics Company Research Field£ºTransport; Logistics; Supply Chain E-mail£º b.dalessandro@gmail.com

    Bastien BRUNEAUBastien BRUNEAU PhD Ecole Polytechnic University Research Field£º Physics, Materials E-mail£ºb.dalessandro@gmail.com

    Antonia GILAntonia GIL PhD University of Zaragoza Research & Teaching Field£ºEngineering Mechanics. E-mail:antgilma@unizar.es

    Andrea MICHIORRIAndrea Michiorri Charg¨¦ de recherche (Lecturer) MINES-ParisTech Research & Teaching Field£º Mathematical Applications; Smart-Grids E-mail£ºandrea.michiorri@mines-paristech.fr

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